

Wolverine Updates

Posted by Jon Kelly on Oct 19 2010 at 06:21PM PDT in Fall 2010

Are you in soccer withdraw? Hmmmm

After extensive discussion and meetings with the coaching staff we have come up with specifics for the next 6-8 months.You may not be aware, but soccer in this valley is about to undergo many changes. There is talk of another / combining club that would have considerable power in the valley. There are pros and cons of club soccer. Due to new state bylaws that take effect in January there will only be two real organizations to align with in the spring. Others organizations may spring up between now and then. The two options are South Cache Soccer League and Infinity (or a new club consisting of Infinity, other teams). I will try to keep you up to date on the politics. Here is our plan:

1. We will not be going to the President’s Cup in February. Thank you for your vote to attend this tournament. It is a State Regional tournament with mainly state division I teams participating. This decision was based upon timing, and what is best for the team, and probable placement of the team at state level competition. We will probably attend this tournament in the winter of 2012 with the new state team.

2. Moving to the state level this spring would have been the ideal, but we will play on a local level.

3. We will take our team, as it exists now, to the Summer Games. The team that is together now will play in June in Cedar City. This was a supporting vote that occurred at our last meeting. We have had great experiences at Cedar City, and this will again be a great experience for the existing team. We should begin planning for that event now. If you would like, please step up and volunteer to lead in the planning. We probably can get a great Hotel rate together in one hotel. Other Wolverine teams may join us at the Summer Games. There will be more details in the near future.

4. After the Spring season there will be 2-3 tryouts for future Wolverines. There will be a State tryout for a State team during the middle or late part of May. This team will contain about 14 players. Note: other players from other teams will probably want to tryout for our team due to our success. This team will play U13 and compete in multiple tournaments during the Summer to prepare for fall state play.
There will also be a tryout for a district team around June 1st. This U13 team will consist of about 14 players and play district Soccer. Note: district level soccer may change. It may involve more travel due to the new structuring in the valley. Ogden teams may be involved.
We may also have the possibility of a U12 team for next season that is in the works.

5. There may be some indoor tournaments in the Winter that we may participate in. If you are interested in an indoor soccer league, let me know. It would involve travel to Ogden.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for all the support of the Wolverines. What a great season. As we move forward, please know that we think of your player constantly and what is best for them. If you have questions please do not hesitate to ask. If you have ideas and input, please contact me.

Go Wolverines

P.S. have you sat down with you player and evaluated their goals for this past season. A goal not evaluated is a wasted goal. Also, please evaluate the team goals and how your player contributed.


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