

Posted by Jon Kelly on Mar 03 2013 at 09:43AM PST in Spring 2013 D2

Last Friday we talked about ELM: EFFORT, LEARNING, MISTKAKES
Notice the ELM tree and the three distinct branches in the picture.
Please make sure to discuss with your player:
Concentrating too much on the scoreboard will lead you to constantly compare yourself to others. If you focus more on mastery, on the other hand, you compare yourself with your best self, constantly trying to improve. And, the byproduct is that you’ll win more when you strive to be your best

On Monday we will talk about:EFFORT AS A HABIT
Few things are more important in sports than effort and hard work. Maximum effort produces maximum results almost every time. At the same time, coaches and athletes are enamored with talent, frequently seeing it as the key to success. But, talent can be a trap. Indeed, nothing is sadder than talent without effort. Talent and effort have to be married to get the best results. Communicating this to your athletes levels the playing field. Your star athletes and third-stringers alike can benefit from knowing that being their best hinges on something they have complete control over — effort.
DIMITT is the acronym we will use: Determination is more important than talent


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