

Team goals / practices

Posted by Jon Kelly on Aug 20 2009 at 08:24PM PDT in Fall 09

Tonight the Team voted on Team Goals for this season. Each one of these goals will help our team improve. They came up with these goals and should feel good about them. As following with the theme of posting goals, the goals will be posted at each practice for team-members to realize what we need to accomplish. Please discuss these goals with your player and what it means to the team.
Here are the goals:
1. "Just don’t Kick it to Kick it"
a. Maintain possession by: Control/head up/shoot/dribble.
2. Shooting earlier
a. shooting quicker
b. looking for the shot by the 18 yard line.
3. Talking more
a. Talking to my team-mates by sayings such as ball, drop, keeper, overlap, give and go, switch, I got, pressure, support, pass, etc.
These three goals are great.

When the season begins practices will be on Friday from 4:00pm till 5:30pm. I appreciate the input.

Probably only one week from Saturday till a game.
Go Wolverines.


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