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A successful season!!!!!

Posted by Jon Kelly on Oct 30 2012 at 10:35AM PDT in FAll 2012 D2

Thank you for a wonderful season. There are many, many, many highlights over this past season that we could emphasize. After pondering our season I think a very important take home message is to enjoy the journey.
Here is a video from Responsible sports that demonstrates this attitude: http://www.responsiblesports.com/media_library/videos.aspx?vid=https%3A//www.youtube.com/v/3cC4nhDHnhA%26version%3D3%26f%3Duser_uploads%26d%3DAdZL4QkdDkrlx928rk1tdGsO88HsQjpE1a8d1GxQnGDm%26app%3Dyoutube_gdata&utm_source=h5m&utm_medium=e&utm_campaign=tipparent
A weekly message from Responsible sports also stated: "Your children’s youth sports experience will end, and it may happen suddenly. Hopefully, you will not look back and think, “I wish I had enjoyed it more instead of obsessing over performance, or playing time or the team’s record.” Enjoy the experience; it will end too soon."
This led me to think of an article I read awhile ago: “How Do we Measure Succes” (http://www.usyouthsoccer.org/news/youth_soccer_in_america_-_how_do_we_measure_success/) Take a look at this article in the coming days and ponder it. We focus on scores in competitive soccer a lot, but I encourage you to look outside the box and ponder other areas of success.
As coaches we are committed to the “success” of your player. Thank you for this past season.
Thank you for allowing us to work with your players. They are incredible!. We love each play in their own unique way.


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