
Game Preparation.

Posted by Jon Kelly on Apr 03 2013 at 06:49AM PDT in Spring 2013 D2

Game Preparation:

Composure: Focused, confident, assertive. It is not about being calm. You will never feel totally calm during a competition. This is battle
The Night Before:

Do: Do your best to relax and enjoy the moment. Get lost in casual activities that you normally do. Do things that support your needs as a competitor.
Don’t: Don’t dwell on tomorrow; that drama will come soon enough. Don’t waste any of the special excitement (energy) that comes with the thrill of the unknown.
The Morning of:

Do: Chill out! There’s nothing to do but eat fuel, organize your stuff, and to get ready to head out. Keep occupied with non-soccer mental activities (concentrate on other things; school). Use breathing technics if needed to calm yourself.
Don’t: Don’t get drawn into a freak out mode. Don’t allow emotions to control you. Don’t play the ‘what if’ game. What if this or what if that, what may or may not happen. The answer is obvious, ‘who knows.’


Do: It’s time. Start the transition from casual to serious, but breathe, focus, and relax. Focus on your great mechanics and all of your awesome plays
Don’t: Don’t give into nerves. You may want to leap out of your seat, but don’t release any of that highly charged expectation energy, save it. Control your thinking, be a little selfish, and purposefully chill.
The Bench:

Do: Switch to your other-self, your assertive, battle ready self. Override any Doubt Demon drama by narrowing your focus to your Big Dog memories.
Don’t: Don’t fall victim to groundless worry and fear. Stay rational and positive. Diffuse any negative thoughts that cross your mind. You’re in control, not your emotions (Talk to yourself, don’t let emotions talk to you).
The Hot Zone:

Do: Engage your brain and thoughts in rational self-talk (of course I’m nervous) and then replace those negative thoughts by recalling all your great plays (It’s just another play, I can do this). Let the Big Dog out.
Don’t: Don’t let those weird feelings of being watched get to you; welcome them. Concentrate on “that” play and nothing else. Don’t give into self-doubts. Replace with positive talk. Focus on the game, not the surroundings. Let ‘er rip.

Critical Final Minutes of play:

Do: You may be on the verge of winning. Believe!!!!! Stay in the moment. Smile inside. Continue to focus on each play. Don’t allow doubts of messing up to enter into your thoughts. Think about doing it and then do it.
Don’t: Don’t mentally wander into “what if” anything. Think rationally and shut the emotions out. Narrow your focus. Keep the switch ‘on.’
Whether you think you can or you can’t, you are probably right…Henry Ford


In all that you do, do it deliberately (purposeful, premeditated, conscious, intentional, calculated, planned, thoughtful, careful, measured, methodical, focus, clarity …..)
Others may believe in you, but the only believing that matters is you believing in you, so BELIEVE!!!!!

The document Wolverine Mental Toughness Manual was attached to this post.


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